About Us

How it all began...

Due to my own personal injuries and ailments and now suffering with severe arthritis through a long racing career (and a labour intensive working life), development has been ongoing to produce a range of oils and muscle balms along with other athletes and race teams to work in conjunction with your own individual daily health care regime.

The aim of these products being, as with myself, to enable you, the user, to continue your active life style for longer with treatments to help alleviate the aches and pains incurred before, during and after your activities.

The oils which are to be taken daily as part of a once/twice a day health routine can help with recovery from race or extreme sports, whilst the muscle balm can help with muscle cramp, arm pump and aches and pains sustained during any extreme athletic sports or activities.

Alongside these top athletes and race team members that have developed these products, friends, parents and relatives have also used these oils and balms and have reported great results from them to cover ailments of their own.

Hence the birth of MojoMoto CBD!